70 min suitable for children 8+? 690 Kč

Dangerous rascals from France are returning to Prague after eight years with their world premiere!

The contemporary circus company Galapiat Cirque, composed of graduates of the prestigious French circus school, is bringing its brand new performance L’âne & la carotte, a show by the genius artist Lucho Smit, to Letní Letná.

"Galapiats", translated as rascals, enchanted the audience of the festival in 2012 with their performance Risque ZérO. After eight years again  it brings a dose of playfulness, courage and a bit of danger.

In short, this is the tragic story of a donkey and a carrot. There he is, stubborn and obsessed with an objective he will never achieve: our hero persists in going always faster, further, higher... With the support of his faithful helper and his dear audience he will come to understand that his quest is in vain, but is it better to change one’s own desires rather than try to change the world?

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